Tuesday, November 30, 2010

food at the serenis

M and I, we so freaked out over the buffet !
We ate good stuff and lots of stuff.
We ate a lot of mexican food : we even had tacos al pastor for breakfast.
Guacamole was always on M's plate and on mine, rice and beans.
For dessert, we always had flan and papaya.
I almost cried when we had lunch at the buffet on the last day...so sad I was.
Since we have been back we find our plate so boring.

even munchkin got some colour

we kept him in the shade all the time but he still got some nice colour.
i wonder how. the ocean wind I guess.

top five


colours again

booze we did not drink!
i love mariachi

flowers for my hair

mateo en mexico

thinking about his life
having fun with daddy


papparazzi picture

i so love his toes

talking to his brother

sleeping in the sun

killing time at the airport

his favourite swimming trunks

Monday, November 15, 2010

lecker, lecker

J'ai trouvé ce livre à la bibli de Boucherville.
J'ai adoré l'idée : que voudriez-vous manger lors de votre dernier repas?
Si difficile à répondre puisqu'il y a tant de choses que j'aime manger...

Mon chef préféré a répondu : des pâtes et un pouding au riz au dessert.   Je l'aime ce Jamie là !!

Je me suis prêtée au jeu moi aussi :

Quel serait votre dernier repas?

Je voudrais tout ça :

- des spaghetti bolognaise
- du poisson grillé avec de la guacamole
- un sandwich du resto Les Vivres
- du poulet de chez Ramados
- des frites de McDo
- un morceau de pain de l'Amour du Pain avec un morceau de fromage, de la menthe, des olives et du miel
- les crevettes sur le BBQ préparées par M
- des spatzle de Mutti avec de la sauce à la crème
- des kartoffelpuffer avec des pêches (souvenir d'enfance)
- une soupe tonkinoise
- des feuilles de vigne

Un dessert?
Gelato, gelato, gelato, gelato !!!
Et aussi : un morceau de cheesecake, un morceau de gâteau au chocolat, un morceau de Reeses Pieces, une bouchée de  Blizzard de chez Mc Do, du pudding allemand, et du pudding au riz !!

Que boiriez-vous avec votre repas?
 une gorgée de jus d'hisbiscus
une gorgée de thé avec du lait
une gorgée d'arak
une gorgée de coke diète
une gorgée d'eau
une gorgée de bière légère
une gorgée de Malibu

Quel serait le décor?
only one answer possible : une maison moderne aux murs blancs dans un pays chaud

Y aurait-il de la musique?
aucun doute : de la salsa pendant le repas et Sade pour le dessert

Qui seraient vos convives?
Mon mari, mes garçons, ma famille et mes amis.

Qui préparerait le repas?
Jamie Oliver

Et vous ?

reading again

I had not read much in the last year but I am back on track. 
In the early morning, I read a lot. While breastfeeding.
At least 15 novels since Luca has been born.  I am loving to catch up on things I wanted to read for a long time and also discovering new authors. 
My favourite read up to now : La rêveuse d'Ostende.

two opposites

I have a feeling that these two muchkins wil be different.  Don't you see it in their faces already?

wedding ring

When M and I got married, I made a deal with him : no expensive ring but a ring every year.
I'm really happy about this idea that I had ! It's cool !

Or could it also be a piece of jewerlry?
I think so...
right M?
Will you bring me to Holt so I can try on this necklace?

mini report cards

Mateo started going to a new garderie - the one that I have been wanting him to go to from the time I was pregnant with him.
The place is great : the program they have, the colourful rooms, the girls who work there, the menu, the playground....

We are lucky that we finally got in - which means that Luca will have spot too when time comes.

Mateo is slowly getting used to the place.  He cries when I leave him there in the morning but stops after two minutes once he sees a cool car or truck that he wants to play with.

I love to read him mini report cards at the end of the day!
He is sociable, is funny, speaks clearly, does not eat much and does not like to sleep!

partner look

M and Mateo!

i missed my computer

my computer was down for the last weeks - i missed it.
But I got other things done in my short periods of free time, like cooking, lots of cooking and also lots of watching tv at night (Dexter, we love you !)

Saturday, November 6, 2010


My little monster is great.
I think he is even easier than Mateo.
When we talk to him he smiles all the time and he started doing these cool sounds.