Saturday, February 5, 2011

jobs I would like to try in the next twenty years

I love changes.
I love to try things.
These are on my wish list.

1- florist
2 - perfume expert
3 - university professor
4 - owner of a cool girlie shop
5 - creative journal consultant
6 - helper in M's restaurant if his dream comes true one day
7 - author of more books
8 - calligrapher
9 - museum guide

- would have liked to find a #10... ?!

What about you?


  1. 10. Full time artist (painter?)
    (I'll do the exercise later today, gotta think about it ;-)

  2. J'ai fait l'exercice et voici mes 5 choix.
    1. Vendeuse de Gelato aux Saintes
    2. Réceptionniste à Radio Canada
    3. Enseignante pour le cirque du Soleil en tournée
    4. Conceptrice de boite de Kleenex
    5. Testeuse de jeux de société

    C'est très cool Tan : merci!

    Claudia xx
