Thursday, February 23, 2012

want to find a gold heart like this

Mike, Jojo and Claude know that when I shop I often say "this would be great for the beach". I know it is a funny thing to say especially that we live in a cold country and that I go to the beach about two weeks in one year. It is weird to shop for a short time span like that ! But for some crazy reason, my beach wardrobe is really important to me. If I would lose my suitcase while going to Mexico I would freak out! Really ! I really love my summer clothes. And lately, I have been noticing older women at the beach and I always find it beautiful when they wear gold jewelry in the sun. It just looks rich and perfect on tanned skin. I have been wanting to buy a thick golden necklace but I always change my mind once I get to the store. The ones I like are about 500$ which I can never spend. So I found another solution, maybe just buy a great gold heart. I am super picky with jewelry and have been to at least 6 jewelry stores and have not found what I am looking for yet. Tiffany has them but it is out of my budget range also... I'm looking, looking....


  1. Love it! Il faudrait que le vendeur fasse pitié pour que tu l'achètes pour l'encourager... ;)
    Peut être pourrais-tu trouver un joallier qui fasse le coeur de tes rêves juste pour toi. Peut être avec de vieux bijoux en or que tu pourrais fondre...
    En croisière, je porterai une chaine en or et prendrai des photos juste pour toi! xx

  2. Si le vendeur faisait pitié, peut-être !!! Je ne connais pas cette sensation ;)

  3. Ja ich habe das Herz heute Abend bei Tiffanys in Puerto-Rico gesehen, ich habe gefragt fuer den Preis $ 1200....
